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000099_owner-lightwav…bcom.webcom.com_Wed Aug 9 08:13:36 1995.msg
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Date: Wed, 9 Aug 1995 11:03:17 -0400 (EDT)
From: Scott Burton <aj754@freenet.toronto.on.ca>
Subject: Re: Tape Drive for PAR backup?
To: Brian Dady <bdady@netcom.com>
Cc: lightwave@webcom.webcom.com
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On Wed, 9 Aug 1995, Brian Dady wrote:
> Hi LWers!
> Can anyone give me some suggestions based on first-hand experiences on a
> good scsi tape drive for backing up LW rendered frames and PAR animations?
> I want the fasted tape drive for under $1000. I have Ami-BACK software.
Any DAT drive should do you fine. I have a Connor Python drive (2 Gig)
and it works flawlessly with Ami-BACK. Its not nearly as fast as
say...an Exabyte but its WAY cheaper. I think I pay'd $1500 Canadain for
it so its probably just over $1000 US. I don't think you'll find many
DAT drives for less then 1K. However they may be much cheaper down
there, who knows.
I'm not sure eactly how fast the drive is (never tested the speed) but it
takes about 2 hours to Back up about a GIG I think.
Scott Burton - Lightwave Moderator - Command Line BBS
AJ754@freenet.toronto.on.ca (416) 533-8321
Scott Burton <aj754@freenet.toronto.on.ca> sent this message.
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